onsdag 28 december 2011

Christmas times


Today I thought I'd tell you guys about my christmas! :) So, uhm, here goes..
My aunt, granddad and grandma came for christmas eve. We were in a hurry before they came and I, uhm, hurt myself! Oh, well, I didn't hurt myself that way. Right inside the door of our "storage" (I don't know a better word for it), there is a piece of metal. And in that pieace there is a nail so it looks kinda like this (see first "pic") and if you press down the metalpiece, the nail sticks out, so it looks like this (see second) and I  
    __\                                       _|_                                                                                   \                                       |
slipped so the nail cut off some skin... Not the prettiest sight.. :)
But the rest of the evening went fine. We had a really good time! I could write what I got for presents but I don't feel like it :)) I got a looot of them.

For christmas day, I chillaxed all day. I HAD A GLEE MARATHON!!!!!!!! (*o*)

And for boxing day... Then, we all went to grandma and granddad. With all I mean all dads sisters, their partners and their kids. We ate turkey and sweet potatoes and other stuff that one usually have to turkey. I didn't eat so much, I thought it was too sweet. Then we played a game.

You had to have at least three presents/person. Then you put all the presents on a table. Everyone stands around the table. One by one you throw a dice. f you get a 6 or a 1 then you get to take a present. This, you keep on doing until there are no presents left. Then you decide a time, for example 16 minutes, and then you begin to throw a dice the same way again! Only this time, it's on time and you take presents from other persons. But you can't take presents from a person that only has one.
Once you're finished, you open the presents together. Wrap in fun gifts, cause we had a blast doing this, ALL of us had a blast.

This was it for me I guess....

Take care!

lördag 24 december 2011


Hello boys and girls!
My keyboard is totally fucked up. The "I" key is hard to press down so if I am to write a simple sentence like "I am to write a simple sentence" it becomes like " am to wrte a smple sentence" unless I press it multiple times.

And so it is christmas. I love celebrating christmas but not the christian part. I am by no means a believer in anything, so I dislike all the religious things that my mum puts in the house. I only really celebrate christmas because it brings family and relatives (and friends) together to eat delicious food, give and recieve presents and just do things together. Of course there is a lot of stress around christmas but I think it's worth it if it brings so much joy to so many people.

Merry christmas!!

söndag 11 december 2011


Sorry for not have blogged in a while. I haven't been busy with other stuff but I just haven't been feeling for it.. I don't really have anything to say except for that the consert went well. I played cello and I danced. Of course I could've done things better but I'm pretty pleased.
I've got some english to do until tomorrow. So I guess I better continue on it soon.

I guess that's was everything.


lördag 19 november 2011



Yesterday's bowling didn't go so well...  I got 144 points in three rounds and not a single strike.. During the first round I was pumped and filled with joy, but it didn't go so well (49 points) .. The second was better but I wasn't as happy as the first and somewhere in the middle of it something happened with my wrist, but I didn't want too be a partypooper for the others so I didn't tell, and after that everything kinda fell for me. Nothing got really right :( . The third round I felt very down and didn't do as well as I could've... At least the rest had fun!


fredag 18 november 2011


Hey, you guys!
Yesterday was my brothers birthday (BB) and my mum made a cake shaped as a tractor for him. He really loves tractors~.
Today I was feeling ill during the "free subject lesson", which is a lesson where we can work with stuff that we've missed or do homework and such, P.E. lunch and math, so I decided to take the early bus home, and the moment I come home, I'm well?? That sucks, because I like school. Not necessarily school, but all of my friends and and even some of the teachers. So, now I'm sitting here and having a bore -.-'...
And tonight I'm going bowling (B)! I think it's gonna be fun because I'm going with a couple of friends and we always have a good time. Sometimes to good, we're never serious..

 I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging for a while but I just never got to it.. Oh well..

måndag 31 oktober 2011


I was texting with Daichi yesterday late at night while I was watching Eclipse on TV and we were talking about his girlfriend and shit, and then when the movie ended I went to my room and we kept texting until I couldn't resist my pillows tryings to make me go to bed with him... Then I slept like a baby :D

fredag 21 oktober 2011


Hey, guys!
It's like, 23.45 (11.45 pm) right now and I feel like going to sleep, but before that I thought that I should listen to a song but that'll be very tricky because I don't remember which song it was... (^_^')
But here's is a one of the sadest songs ever and it almost always makes me want to cry..

And everyone,
Peace and take care!!!

lördag 15 oktober 2011

Texts + Insomnia

I've stopped thinking "Wonder if  I've gotten any textmessages?". I've stopped thinking "Where is my cellphone?". The only thing I can think is "Wonder if I've gotten any Daichi?" and "Where is my Daichi?". Since I only text with him it has become natural to me to call my texts and my cell for Daichi. Even when I text with someone else, it's still "Wonder if I've gotten any Daichi?".
No, I don't have a crush on him but he's one of my best friends in the whole wide world. We sometimes texts all night and it's the best insomnia I can imagine.

Peace and if you're gonna have insomnia; make sure you share it with someone worthy!

PS. His name isn't Daichi, but whenever I speak of him here or on other pages while using my own alias I will protect his name. So, from now on his name is Daichi!

tisdag 11 oktober 2011

It's been a while....

...since I wrote something here now. Well... It's about 7 am and I'm soon off to school. I haven't really been nusy lately but I haven't really felt like writing. so, today I will meet all of my wonderful friends or, at least the ones who're not ill... XDDDD and I'll also play some cello.

Sorry for the boring text today..

Peace and Sayonara

tisdag 27 september 2011


Hi guys!..
In the bus to school there's this nine-year-old kid who always tells (at least what I think) lies. Lies, lies and lies. About alcohol and sex and nudity and his dad and murders etc etc. And today he told the busdriver (of all people) that he had ADD, and then everything cleared for me...
I just spit out my chewing gum. Have you ever chewed on a gum for so long that, not only does it taste nothing, but it becomes like you can chew it because it's loose and running? IT IS GROSS!!!!!

Oh well, This was all for this time..
Peace and B-bai!

söndag 25 september 2011


Hihihiiihi! I'm.. uh.. Hitomi Sato.. Or not.. XD
I uhm.. Will write here sometimes or at least whenever I want to.. Uhm What Is there to know about me.. I'm 14, I live in sweden (and ofc I'm swedish.. ) I like Japan and Japanese music and Japanese people and Japan and yea.. That's me in a nutshell.. XD no.. I use a lot of "..." and".." and"..........." so.. uhm.. hehe.
I'm a bit messy, and you can see that on how I write.. And I'm a proud Sixth Gun and Semerurian!!

Peace and STAY MAD!