Today I thought I'd tell you guys about my christmas! :) So, uhm, here goes..
My aunt, granddad and grandma came for christmas eve. We were in a hurry before they came and I, uhm, hurt myself! Oh, well, I didn't hurt myself that way. Right inside the door of our "storage" (I don't know a better word for it), there is a piece of metal. And in that pieace there is a nail so it looks kinda like this (see first "pic") and if you press down the metalpiece, the nail sticks out, so it looks like this (see second) and I
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slipped so the nail cut off some skin... Not the prettiest sight.. :)
But the rest of the evening went fine. We had a really good time! I could write what I got for presents but I don't feel like it :)) I got a looot of them.
For christmas day, I chillaxed all day. I HAD A GLEE MARATHON!!!!!!!! (*o*)
And for boxing day... Then, we all went to grandma and granddad. With all I mean all dads sisters, their partners and their kids. We ate turkey and sweet potatoes and other stuff that one usually have to turkey. I didn't eat so much, I thought it was too sweet. Then we played a game.
You had to have at least three presents/person. Then you put all the presents on a table. Everyone stands around the table. One by one you throw a dice. f you get a 6 or a 1 then you get to take a present. This, you keep on doing until there are no presents left. Then you decide a time, for example 16 minutes, and then you begin to throw a dice the same way again! Only this time, it's on time and you take presents from other persons. But you can't take presents from a person that only has one.
Once you're finished, you open the presents together. Wrap in fun gifts, cause we had a blast doing this, ALL of us had a blast.
This was it for me I guess....
Take care!